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Telegramma Garibaldi Obbedisco

Garibaldi's Telegram and the Historic "Obbedisco"

A Glimpse into a Pivotal Moment

The Telegram that Changed History

For the first time, a telegram sent by Giuseppe Garibaldi, Italy's iconic leader, bearing his famous "Obbedisco" (I obey) response, is now available for public viewing. This pivotal message, sent in 1866 during the Third Italian War of Independence, played a decisive role in shaping the nation's history.

The Bezzecca Landing and the Telegram

On July 21, 1866, Garibaldi led a daring raid on the shores of Bezzecca, an island in Lake Garda. The goal was to distract the Austrian forces and support the main Italian army's advance. As the landing progressed, Garibaldi received a telegram from King Victor Emmanuel II ordering him to halt his operations and return to the mainland.

Despite his personal convictions and the potential impact on the battle, Garibaldi chose to obey the royal command. In a telegram back to the king, he wrote the now-famous words: "Obbedisco," which means "I obey." This act of obedience demonstrated Garibaldi's loyalty to the Italian state and his commitment to its unity.

The Significance of "Obbedisco"

Garibaldi's "Obbedisco" has become an enduring symbol of the importance of discipline and obedience in the military. It represents the principle that personal feelings and desires must sometimes give way to the greater good of the nation. The telegram also serves as a reminder of the complex relationship between military leaders and political authorities.

A Historical Artifact on Display

The telegram is currently on display at the Vittoriale degli Italiani, a museum dedicated to Garibaldi in Gardone Riviera. Visitors can now witness firsthand this historical document that played a significant role in shaping the destiny of Italy. The public viewing of the telegram offers a unique opportunity to connect with this iconic moment in history and to reflect on its enduring significance.
